Friday, September 5, 2008


Wow! Seems like forever since I wrote anything and I guess in the context of blogging, it has been. I was on vacation last week and just didn't get to it. This week I've been busy as all hell at work and the evenings have been time to unwind so there really hasn't been time. Biggest problem is that i usually write while at work since most of the time, I have spare time, but that is going to change as this week has been a write off (pardon the pun), and I'm in courses the next 2 weeks. So I'll have to sit down in the evenings and write when the mood strikes me. And that's much of the problem lately, my mood.

The last few months have been a haze of anti-depression medication as I try to find something to stabilize the serotonin levels in my brain and even me out. I've always been depressive and was on something a few years ago that helped quite a bit but went off it due to costs at the time. I returned to the same meds recently, but this time, while working wonderfully, they produced a few unpleasant side effects which I simply could not live with and since then, I've been trying to find something that will work just as well without all the complications. And so far, nada. So I've decided to just try and deal with my moods in other ways. What those other ways are, I have no idea yet. I'll tell you this much, having to deal with depression at the same time I'm dealing with diet is no party. But then again, this has been my whole life.

This morning I did my Friday weigh in and was sitting at 198lbs. I can live with that as usually when I'm on holiday, I tend to gain at least 5lbs. This time I managed to only gain a couple as I did step on the scale Monday and weighed 199lbs. So my week back at the gym and work managed to burn off a pound. I expect next week to yield similar results and i hope to come in about 196-197lbs.

I'll be back either later or over the weekend with some stuff i've been thinking about.

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